Gua Kreo ( Kreo Cave )

Monday, August 1, 2011
Gua Kreo (Kreo cave) is a cave that is trusted by the community as Sunan Kalijaga petilasan, when looking for teak wood to build the Great Mosque of Demak. According to legend, Sunan Kalijaga met with a flock of monkeys who then told to keep the teak wood. The word "Kreo" comes from the word meaning Mangreho guard or watch. The word is then made ​​this cave called Cave Kreo and since then the herd of apes that inhabit this region is considered as a watchman.

Besides enjoying the beautiful natural scenery and the cool air and joking with the apes watchman region,
visitors can also enjoy a cold river and fresh at the bottom of this tourist area is located didukuh ini.Obyek Talunkacang, Village Kandri, District Mount Pati approximately 8 miles from Tugu Muda, opened to the public at 08:00 to 18:00 pm. Each ceremony is held on the 3rd Syawal Rewanda offerings.



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Gua Kreo ( Kreo Cave )